Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Plans of Mice and Men...

Or in this case, Writers and Women. Oh, dear. I sometimes forget that life doesn't go according to my plans. In fact, it seems the more I plan the more my life goes off track. Take this blog for instance. I planned to write something every night, not anything life changing, but just a post as a way of flexing my self discipline. Life happened. So there was a bump in the road and now I'm back on track.

I feel a plethora of cliches drifting about at the corners of my consciousness. I am ignoring them. (You're welcome, by the way.)

On to the planned topic. My Novel.
The Chronicles of Odde: The Beast of the Ruin.

Here is the synopsis for the novel. Expect an excerpt to be posted soon. Until then...

     Young women are finding themselves transported to a world of magic, the many Kingdoms of Odde, where princes fall under magical spells and princess frolic about the country side and occasionally are eaten by dragons. How will these modern young women cope when fairy tales become reality? And one must remember, not all tales end with happily-ever-after.
     Abagail's first glance at the rolling hills of Odde was through the brackets of iron bars on her way to be sold as a slave to the underbelly of the upper class in the port city of Knaverly. It seemed she wasn't the only one snatched off the street, though she could tell her companions weren't from her suburbs, more like a big-budget remake of anything Rodgers and Hammerstein. But when Peter, a young innkeeper, spends all of his coin to purchase Abbey from the clutches of a nasty under-lord, she suddenly finds herself safe again. Peter is that brawny sort of handsome,  big and kind, and in love with the Miller's pretty daughter, Milly. Abbey is happy to work at the inn for room and board and help Peter any way she can. She knows she could never repay his kindness. Not to mention the fact that she has nowhere else to go. The Wolf's Tooth Inn,  is not too far from the bustling city, and is a good place to pick up information, perhaps even to find a way home.
     Months pass to little avail while Abigail learns the ins and outs of running The Wolf's Tooth. She's smart, and a bit crafty, in both senses of the word. She picks up on things quickly enough for Peter to wonder at her protests. With Milly's help and some creative upgrades the Inn is thriving, until a darkness settles over the land, threatening Abbey's safety and peace of mind.
     Whispers float through the town. Lights have been seen in the towers of a cursed and abandoned castle, the townsfolk call the Ruin.  The time of the Naming has come again.
      It has been nearly two decades since the last Naming; a lottery of the women in the village, those unmarried and of a certain age. One unlucky maiden is chosen to be served up to the Beast of the Ruin. When Milly's name is chosen Abbey offers to go in her stead. Left tied to a stack at the gates of the Ruin, Abbey wonders if she has but moments to live, until an old man and a boy come out of the shadowy depth and claim her in the name of the Beast.
     What future does the Ruin hold for her? A gruesome death by teeth and claws? A magical servitude or something more hopeful?

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