Monday, April 13, 2015

The Aftermath

     The Purge is complete and somehow still not over. Tubs line one side of my rather large drive way waiting to be sorted through for those items that will not be given to the Salvation Army, but sold on-line or through a friend. The SA truck pick up is scheduled and I only plan to pull out a few large ticket items in hopes of selling them very soon; emphasis on very. There was talk of another yard sale, but I think I might have a mental breakdown before then. The aftermath of sorting through almost everything we own (about 90%) means there was a lot of things that we didn't want to go, but didn't know where to put them. We played musical chairs with some furniture, moving things into the garage to act as storage and put up lots of modular shelves, most of which we already owned. Now is the task of finding homes for all of the displaced items. Sorting, organizing, and labeling is happening at a slow pace, but I can finally see some progress. For the past week it's felt like I was just moving things from one stop to another, with no real cleaning getting done.
     I am too tired to work on my own writing, but have devoured some new books in the last few days. My sleep has been troubled and I wonder if some serious scheduling is in order. Our plans are little more than a to-do list for the day, usually consisting of two major projects and some basic house chores, most prominent is the laundry.
     A daily check list or schedule might make me feel better, but I am not sure how long it will last. Hopefully long enough to release some of the stress we are under. Some routine would be nice.

How do you handle big projects? Are you like us and tend to bite off more than you can chew? Or do you plan, execute and admire your handy work? Do you ever look around in the middle and ask yourself what in the world were you thinking? I know I do!

I hope to post more about writing in the future, but this organizing kick has gotten a hold of me right now. Spring Fever or something. I must admit, looking out at the rows of plastic tubs almost ready to be picked up, I feel a large weight being lifted from my shoulders. I no longer have to worry about that stuff. It is a good feeling!

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