Monday, June 22, 2015

Thank the Lord! It is Finished!... Okay almost finished!

Thank You LORD!!

I have just completed the process of turning my word doc into a kindle book, which is now ready to be purchased at Ties of Fate: The Lost Continent is here! I am so excited!! I feel as if I am smiling like an idiot. Not that this isn't a big accomplishment for me, but seriously, get it together girl!
I am still reviewing the printed version, which I hope to have up for sale in a few days. I ordered a proof so I can double check the formatting. Digital reviews are great, but they aren't the same as holding it in my hands.

The process was a lot harder than I thought. Formatting documents and  files sizes aside, I was surprised at how much goes into royalties, taxes, and the what not. I guess I forgot about all that. For something that is almost free to publish, it takes a lot of time and effort to get it out there.

I am currently on Go Fund Me, under Amelia M. Brown: Publishing My First Book. Technically, Ties of Fate is my very first book, but not the one for my Go fund Me account. Ties of Fate has been sitting on the back burning, getting worked on sporadically for almost 15 years. What I am working on now is something more recent. I am trying to get the start to my series, The Chronicles of Ode published. Book One: The Beast of The Ruin is undergoing some serious editing. I had a proof printed, but I wasn't quite done with my editing, so the formatting of the novel was a little off. I hope, with the help of GO Fund Me, to be able to afford to get The Beast of the Ruin out to bookstores, and have it professionally marketed. I am taking care of my grandmother and not able to leave the house very often. I am hoping that this will also provide us with some much needed income.

Thank the Lord that is done! One thing I can mark off my bucket list!
To My fellow writers, it is a long and slow process, but it is worth it! Write ON!!

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