Thursday, January 21, 2016

Planning and Setting Goals

It's that time of year again. Time to plan and dream and get out your organizational supplies. Time to write on our calendars and make lists, scour the internet for exercise plans and low carb menus. I love this time of year!! Not for the influx of self-help propaganda but for the limitless possibilities and hope that a new year can represent.

I know your probably have a list of things you want to change and accomplish this year, whether you wrote them down on New Year's Eve or like me, are still trying to figure out exactly what is truly important to you, it is wonderful that you have goals. The hard part is making a plan to see them through. Someone said that a goal without a plan is just a dream, and that makes a lot of scenes to me, because how can we reach them if we don't have any idea how to get there. In the age of instant access, we are lucky in one respect. We can find almost anything we need on the internet with the click of a button.

I am still trying to find my footing of this new year. Usually I have a planner that I print out from a variety of websites, that helps me keep track of the endless lists that I am always creating for myself. This year I am behind. Usually I print out my planner before the year even begins, customizing it to my specifications and popping it in a binder. I have the pieces just not an idea of how I want them to fit together. My hesitation is mostly due to the fact that I often have the best of intentions, but little follow through with using my planner. The first couple of months are great, and then somewhere around April I just stop using it, with no real reason to explain why. But I am a firm believer in the expression, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." So this time I am putting a little more thought into it, reevaluating what I have and only printing out the items that I need, making sure to use what I have.

What are your goals for the year? I will write another post with some of goals later... but I wonder how many people write down their resolutions for the new years? Do you keep them? Do you give up or quite? Do you revisit and revise your list throughout the year? Do you plan for long term? Or maybe you have monthly goals?  Please share, I am interested to hear about your success, or why you think could didn't follow through.

I can say that I have one goal already this year. I am going to work in more blog posts. Trying for two a month, or if I feel ambitious, one a week and this time I am scheduling them in! To my fellow writers and reads, I hope you have a blessed year. And as ever, Write On!

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