Sunday, December 14, 2014

Writer's Block and Other Stumbling Blocks

Writer's block. The word has always been a vague sort of problem for me. I've heard horror stories but have never really experienced anything like it until recently. Not that my tale is a horror story, it's been, in most part, a large amount of procrastination, pinterest and facebook games. Usually in that order.

I hit a bought of writer's block near the end of NaNoWriMo. I wasn't worried, I'd already surpassed my word goal and validated my novel, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what happened next. I had the ending of my novel outlined but how to get to where the heroine met up with our wicked sorceress was a mystery. There was a gap I couldn't cross. My Heroine was two kingdoms and at least twenty pages away from where she needed to be to reach her happily-ever-after. The ideas from the next leg of her journey kept falling through. The story I was going to use for inspiration in this area was nowhere to be found in my stacks of books. So I gave up and tried editing for a while until even that was going no where.

Today, almost two weeks later, I've not written a word more, not even opened my document and tried to type a short phrase, but I have the inspiration I needed. I was sitting proctoring a test, a very lucrative if boring job as a cheat deterrent, I watched the test takers for signs of foul-play and thought of my next plot point. Sure it's not all the way to my ending, but it's a step closer.

Somethings fell into place, some ideas bore fruit that just might be even better than what I was looking for. Thank You GOD! I am on my way. And so I must switch gears, and return to my writing.

Good luck to you who are powering on after finishing NaNoWriMo and moving toward the completion of your novel!

P.S. I thought I was good at this stuff, this being my second year and my third book but my sister, Melli, is blowing me out of the water. I am so proud and amazed by her talent. She is the best!!

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