Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year, New Me?

     While I can say that I jump on the band wagon of New Year's resolutions, I can not say I've ever had any luck with them. From the popular health and wieght loss mumbo jumbo to living happier, I find that if I plan to start something new, it's best to just get on with it rather than wait for some special date.
     I have all the best intension for myself and the new year, but we've all heard what happens with those. Life gets in the way, you fall off the wagon. I don't know about you but I need more motivation than the New Year hype can provide. That being said, my prep for some serious life change just happened to fall on, or around the new year.
    With new health insurance and some free time, I've started the health assessment process with my new carrier. Blood tests, check ups and diet changes. Due to family history I and my sister are going gluten free. We are not replacing our bread and pasta with gluten free options, only eating more green and cleaner foods. A food journal with is very good for keeping track of what I am eating. It's not easy and my body is missing all the carbs...
     Along with diet changes, comes some exercise and moving towards being more active on a daily basis.
     While it might not make me happier to exercise, it will make me very happy to be healthier. After last year's health issues with family members, I am motivated to keep going, more so than ever before.
     The long and short of this post, it's never to late to be healthy.

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