Monday, August 1, 2016

Hemingway App. Review

I recently purchased the Hemingway App for $9.99 after coming across some good things about it on Pinterest. You can use the online version for free, but are able to purchase and download a version ont0 you computer. Those who purchase are guaranteed the latest version of the app and free upgrades in the future.

The app is rather self explanatory. You cut and paste in a section of your writing and the app will analyze it for you. It will automatically tell you the approximate grade level that you are writing at and give you a word count. The app looks at five different areas:

1) Sentences that are hard to read are highlighted in yellow

2) Sentences that are very hard to read are highlighted in red

3) Phrases with simpler alternatives are highlighted in light purple

4) Adverbs are light blue

5) The passive voice is light green

The last two categories try to eliminate the use of adverbs and the passive voice, but give you a number based on the size of the passage, like you have 5 out of 6 “recommended” adverbs. Depending on your writing style and content these last two points can be more or less helpful.

I found that many of my sentences were “very hard to read” and so I tried breaking them up and rearranging my thoughts. This worked to some extent, though in many cases I could only take them from red to yellow, “the hard to read” category. I was usually under on my passive voice and cut out enough adverbs to satisfy the app and myself.

I wish the app had more grammar functions, though it does allow you to replace some words with similar versions, it took the overall reading level of my excerpt from grade 9 to 6. I was not happy and not entirely sure what I did to make the change so I couldn’t undo it.

My only real problem with the app is with the size of the excerpt you can cut and paste. If the word count is too high it will slow down the app so much that it almost glitches. I ended up contacting the creatures to ask about fixing it and they said that all I could do was feed in smaller pieces to edit.  Breaking your writing up is no big hassle in a cut and paste environment, I would have just liked to plug in a whole chapter instead of having to cut it up into so many paragraphs. I found that highlighting the section that I was copying into the app was the best way of keeping track of where I was. I would just copy the editing version from the app and paste it back into my document, deleting the old highlighted section.

I have used different editing software in the past. While word doc provides some very good review and reference features for writers we need a bit more help. Grammarly is an add-on for word doc that I found very helpful, the only problem is that it can be rather expensive with a monthly or yearly subscription, the later being the cheaper route. Unfortunately, I was only able to afford one month at the time and used it to diligently edit several in progress rough drafts and fine-tune one manuscript.

I recommend trying the free version online and if you feel the need to purchase it is a more than reasonable price.

Try it now at!

To my fellow writers, God bless and Write On!!!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Adulting: I didn't sign up for this!

“Adulting.” I have been using this phrase for a while now, but have only recently learned a bit of its origins. Supposedly the term was created by my generation to describe the feeling of being an adult in a time where twenty year olds to us who are thirty-something have remarkably little experience with what previous generations would describe as adult responsibilities. We’ve created this new wannabe verb for something we should have been doing all along.

“I didn’t sign up for this.” At some time in our young lives we begin to envision ourselves as adults. The closer we get to that magical threshold the wiser we believes ourselves to be. We suddenly know how the rest of our lives will play out. The coming years are no mystery to us, and at some point, sooner for some than others, reality comes crashing in. There are responsibilities that high school algebra and college English didn’t prepare us for. Looking back, some subjects should have been added in to our curriculum, perhaps as elective material, but practical and necessary they would have been. Life 101. Where are the courses on how to cook a meal for two in fewer than thirty minuets, or how to budget for groceries on a poor student income? Where is the study of balancing checkbooks, or better yet, how to reduce and stay out of debt? No one told me about property taxes, home maintenance or medical debt while I took out endless student loans. Somehow the responsibilities of cleaning my room and taking out the trash just don’t prepare you for the truth of it all.

Sometimes I look around and feel as if the world is somehow ahead of me. It is as if my generation as a whole, well at least fifty percent of it, has reached that golden land of adulthood that I am only now glimpsing at such a late age. (The other half has been Adulting... sporadically, still stuck at home letting previous generations take care of them.) It’s enough to make one want to throw in the towel.

And yet, I am still striving for that imaginary figure I saw long ago, the me that was a successful adult living comfortably in the style I would wish to be accustomed.

Truthfully, it’s not so bad. I suppose my path in life is far from the norm. For too long I was sheltered from life by my grandparents who loved me dearly, and when the bubble burst I fell hard. I went from being a “kept” grandchild to suddenly caring for a sick grandparent and having to make all the decisions and manage the finances on my own. It was a sink or swim moment, and truthfully, I almost went under. The Lord has pulled us through, that’s for sure. From the mess I made of our finances to learning my limits and how far I could push them, the first twenty-five years of my life really didn’t prepare me for where I am now. I’ve learned a lot, and have a ways to go yet in overcoming my unrealistic expectations.

To turn this to a happier note and what got me thinking about all of this, I got a job! I signed up with a temp agency as nothing that I was doing on my own was getting any interest, and within a month I had my first “real” job. By “real” I mean something that pays over minimum wages. I am so happy to be working and paying bills that I could sing and dance as I delete debt from my budget spreadsheet. Unfortunately, writing has fallen to the way side. I guess my time management skills are still not up to par. I am tired and get home to help my sister who is now caring for my grandmother on her own, full time. By the end of the day I’m lucky to scribble down a few notes about characters or revision. In fact I’ve been meaning to write a new post for over a month and am only getting to it right now. Yet, I shouldn’t complain. Thank God for answered prayers!!

So I am starting to get a handle on working a full time job, my 9-5. Hopefully in the coming weeks I will be able to fine tune my routine and make time for writing and relaxing after work.

I am trying to work on Lost Lady and Lost Prince (I am no long happy with this title) but I am having trouble finding the motivation. I suppose I will have to ‘Just do it,’ as the slogan goes.  Once I start I find I can get into the words pretty quickly.

Well, enough about me and now some questions for you! Are you an Adult or Adulting? Are you like me and trying to improve yourself and reach some mental icon of what you’re suppose to look like at this stage of your life? Or are you happy as you are, secure in yourself?

Some people might argue that it’s human nature to want to change something about ourselves. I am no exception. What areas do you want to improve on, in writing or in life? Do you have any goals that you’ve recently reached? Please let me know, and tell me if you celebrated and how! Did you reward yourself at small increments or with a big finale?

To my readers and you writers out there, Write On!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Writing, Life and Other Plans

Let’s talk about…

Life in general…

I have a temping job, thank the lord. He answered our prayers. We really needed the extra income. We have some large expenses coming up, like needing to smog and tag our vehicles and the job will more than cover that cost. AMEN!! I hope I may even have a few extra dollars to see how marketing works out, but more about that later.

I am sick with whatever super bug is going around and I seem to be getting marginally better while still trying to cough up my kidneys, but it’s been over a week. I am done with being sick. Especially considering, I was sick with something similar a little over a month ago. Antibiotics and over the counter cough meds are my new favorite food. Seriously, I’ve been popping cough drops like candy, and I can barely tolerate the things.


On the creative front, nothing is happening. Between my Gram going back into the hospital several times in March and April, to this new job and being sick, I have done little than open my word doc. I did manage to make a personal goal for Lost Lady. I got to part two of my outline which is about three-fourths of the way done with the manuscript. Lost Prince (working title) is still where it was in December. I might have it done by the time NaNoWriMo rolls around again. I’ve been batting around some ideas for other stories and even another series. I have to say that I was a little discouraged with how everything was going( or not going as it were), but I am not writing for other people. I am doing this for me. So I look at my inspiration wall and think “keep calm and carry on.” I love the memes of this stuff!

Back to the marketing comment from earlier… I am hoping to spend about fifty dollar, a large sum to my budget, and try out the marketing arena of Amazon/Createspace publishing which is who I have published my novels through. The way I understand it, is that I set the amount I am willing to pay and then different websites and agencies will bid to run a banner with my info on it. I thought fifty dollars was a decent sum to see if it will drum up sales for my work. I plan to do this at the end of this month and will get back to you with the outcome. I am also thinking about putting my novels on sale for a week (probably in the beginning of June), and hoping that someone will buy them and share them with friends. I have yet to have someone review my work and leave comments. I am hoping that the sale will help both accounts.

More than money, I would like some feedback; feedback not from friends or family. I suppose what I really want is validation, but I don’t see me getting that from other people. I feel in the world of literature or even my genre of choice, my writing is average, but I know that the more I write the better I can become.

I want to be a good writer, I want to tell my stories and I don’t care that they are not literary masterpieces. I just want to do the best I can and present it like, “Here! I’ve made this!” I am meeting my goals and doing what I love. It can’t get better than that!


Please leave me a comment, if you have read my book please review it! I would love to have some feed back or start a discussion with you!

As ever, Write On my comrades, Write On!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sorry, I forgot this!

Here is the screen capture of my Character sheet for A Lost Lady, that I meant to add to the last post.
It's rather basic but comes in super handy. I use Excel to do a lot of stuff, like building a database of names that I like and might one day use in my writing. Plus more mundane things like bills and even making my own calendars and to-do lists.

I've tried using note cards to keep track of characters, but it took to long to find what I was looking for. I had a tendency of making them, storing them somewhere, and never using them again. I like that I have everything in one doc and can change something with the click of a button. 

10 Things I need to have on hand when I write (and a big Writing Milestone!)

I am tooting my own horn right now, but I am working on a draft for my novel, A Lost Lady, and I have reached One Hundred and One Thousand words (101,000 looks so much better spelled out right?) and 115 pages of New Times Roman 10 point font. I looked down at my word could and did a little dance. I imagine that I have a least another 50,000 words until the end of the novel. It will officially be my longest work yet. I have a hard time believing I have come so far.

I get in a grove and just start going.  It helps that I have a rough outline of certain scenes to keep me on track. Thank you note cards! I even outline the last scene in more detail as it is rather pivotal to the development of my characters romantic relationship.

Here are ten things I need to get the writing rolling.

1) Quiet. I know that a lot of people like to listen to music while writing, and occasionally I will, but I get distracted by a song I like and stop to sing along. Once out of my own headspace it can be hard to get back to the point of writing nirvana.

2) Water. Any beverage will do but more often than not it is water. Ice water being the most preferable. Having something on hand helps went I hit a bump, I can take a drink, think a moment and switch gears. Super refreshing!

3) A dictionary/thesaurus. I pinterest things like lists with the title of "100 ways to say look." Weather it is the Merriam-Webster website or a traditional quick reference paperback I usually have both on hand. Recently I realized that Word Doc has a dictionary as well as a thesaurus and that has saved me a lot of back and forth, but truthfully, no one can beat Merriam-Webster. Not even close!

4) My Notes! From scribbled ideas on a piece of scratch paper to my 3x4 inch note cards outlining my story arch I keep them handy in case I need a refresher on what happens next.

5) Character list. This isn't grouped into the notes section because I have a tendency to look at it a lot more than anything else. Mostly to remember how is related to home and how to spell their names. In a medieval-esque novel it is hard to remember everyone in the novel and who they are and where they are from. Seriously, why did I need so many characters? Not that I'm not attached to each one, but I lose track of whose who all the time. Without the master list I would be lost. I try to keep it brief. Attached is a screen capture of the excel doc. It's just a very brief list with basic physical descriptions, age, a blurb about who they are and what they did or didn't do, and in most cases one word that I thought best describes them.  

6) Chap stick. Technically mine is not that brand but an Orange Blossom Honey lip balm by The Naked Bee. I think I nabbed this from my sister and refused to give it back, but I find that I feel calmer when I put it on and am less likely to chew on my bottom lip when frustrated.

7) A foot rest. Currently I am using the paper shredder I store under my desk as a foot rest but I've found that it is a just the right height for me and no, I don't worry about harming it. Though now that I said that I will probably start to worry about that.

8) Light. I have a fan with a light on it and  hate it on unless I am cleaning my room. Instead I have a clamp light from IKEA that moved to be my desk light. I don't have enough room on my desk for a traditional light so the clamp works wonders. I had to replace the energy saving with a low watt traditional bulb because it took too long to get to full strength.

9) Gum or a snack of some kind. I like sweet mint gum and mints but more of a subtle flavor than the bad breath eradicating things my sister favors. Gum is better than any other snack as I won't consume large quantities mindlessly as I sit in front of my computer screen. Plus, chewing helps relieve some of my frustration when things are really going as planned.

10) Motivation, usually in the form of a picture or saying. It hangs just above my screen so that when I lean back and put my feet up I see it clearly. I have a sentimental card my sister gave me. A cute picture, a fortune from a cookie and a few other things I've tacked or taped up to keep me inspired.  I don't know where I found this quote, or how Napoleon Hill is, but he said "What the mind can conceive, it can achieve." I wrote it down on a sticky note and placed it were I could see it. Even if I don't read it every day, even if I don't really see it. It is still a bright spot at my computer.

So here is my question to you. What keeps you motivated to write through writer's block, computer backups and emotional breakdowns? Are you like me and find a happy escape in writing? Maybe what you put on digital paper is something cathartic, but what keeps you going when the words won't come willingly?

Looking around I realize two things. While I surround myself with stuff, the real motivation comes from within and no amount of sticky notes and knick-knack life hacks are going to make things perfect. Secondly, I really need to clean off my desk! It's time to take a cleaning break.

To those of you who read this, please comment if only to say hi. I really would like to hear from you. Even if it is to suggest I do something different.

As ever, Write On!

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Beast of the Ruin

Here is the final Cover for the first book in The Chronicles of Odde series, The Beast of the Ruin. Once again I have Melanie to thank for her fantastic work. Book One is available on Amazon, in paperback or for your Kindle.

The title was changed from My Dark Prince to The Beast of the Ruin, upon my sister's suggestion that the original title wasn't in line with the feel of the book. I agreed and so here it is.

I hope you enjoy the novel as much as I enjoyed writing it!

New Cover!

     Here is the new cover for Ties of Fate: The Lost Continent. The first book I wrote and published. The artwork is thanks to my talented sister, Melanie, and her amazing Photoshop skills. It's on sale now at in print or as an eBook.

Check out Melanie Brown and her novel, At First Sight: A Persephone Waters novel, also available in paperback or Kindle version.

Beginning Again

     So the first month of 2016 is almost over. It's been a bit stressful with my grandmother going back into the hospital for a few days after almost six months without an ER visit. I pray we can do at least another six months before her next one, if not longer. My sister and  I are rather tired after such ordeals, and I have to remember that it's emotionally stressful stuff even though I really didn't do anything while Gram was in the hospital.
     I said I was going to do a post about my goals for 2016. So here it is. Nothing like a sick family member to make you think about what you want to do, or not do. I recently took some time to sit down and talk with two of my closest friends to make a list of goals for 2016. Here is the gist of that conversation.
     Health is a big one and something I am constantly struggling with. I do not get sick often but I am very overweight and not very motivated to change. it's not that I don't want to change. I have dreamed about a slimmer me for years, but taking steps to make that happen, well, let's just say I am not very good with the follow through. So I am trying to be and eat healthier; 1) by cutting out fast food. 2) not buying sweets or sugary products (this is hard because sugar sneaks into a lot of "healthy" things) because I have NO self control with such things, though we do not buy candy and cookies very often at all these days, not so much as in my childhood. 3) exercising more, by trying for two miles 2 times a week and 1 mile two times a week, and anything over that is gravy. 4) Portioning and food tracking as well as Meal planning, which helps to see what you are eating and using what is already in your pantry, which brings me to my theme for this year, Use what you have.
     I have a lot. If you have read previous posts your would know that I have tubs full of stuff that I haven't seen in years. Using what I have means taking stock of everything and planning how I can use it in my home, or sell it and use the money to help pay off some of our growing debt. I have tons of craft supplies, some of which I plan to sell off outright and others stuff I plan to make and sell on Etsy. I already have a shop, MirrorImageStudios. I just need to focus on getting things up for sale.
     Organization is really big this time of year. I subscribe to a few websites like Organize 365 by Liza Woodruff, that gives weekly posts and podcasts on how to organize your home and any number of free printables for those of us who like to track what we accomplish. My family has donated thousands of dollars worth of stuff over the years, and I especially, get a sense of satisfaction when items get a new life and a new home instead of going into the trash. I plan to start organizing the house, starting with the kitchen in a few days. I already have a list and my printables ready. Cleaning things out also gives me the opportunity to deep clean some areas that really need it.
     Along with organization goes a chore list and keeping the house clean on a daily basis. It's hard when you are stuck at home 24/7. Most people don't have a messy house because they are rarely home. (Oh, for that luxury!) I have to admit that sometimes I become blind to certain things, and my goal this year is to keep the house and garage clean so that those unexpected visitors don't catch us unawares.
     On a personal level, I want to Love God more, and owe the fact that He loves me. I have problems with feeling loveable. I am aware of them, which they say is the first step, but I want to work on my own self-image and feeling like I am making a consistent effort to be more like God has made me. For me this means setting aside time to pray and read my bible that isn't tacking Him on the end of my day as an afterthought or an 'oh, I gotta do that before I go to bed' sort of thing. I need to trust Him, and spend more time with the Word.
     I also want to write daily. I have several projects that I am working on; two novels that I am writing that are almost finished, plus artwork for The Chronicles of Odde series. In certain areas of my life I am a perfectionist, which doesn't make a lot of sense because I know that they will never be perfect and at some point I have to stop and let it go. My writing and art are such areas. I have so many ideas but not the time and skills to execute them. I am learning to build my skill set, and that patience goes a long way towards having a successful outcome.
     My biggest challenge is not giving up, especially when life gives me curveballs and I fall off the wagon or wonder off the path. I need to focus my efforts, and not put too much on my plate a one time. I have lots of ideas and the key is doing a little bit every day.
     Are there any things you are excited about doing this year? Any goals that you are struggling with but determined to see through? I know I have a lot on my lists, yes, I wrote lists. Please comment and share your thoughts and any advise.
     As always, I hope you are blessed and remember that all great journeys begin with the first step. Write On, my fellow travelers! Write On!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Planning and Setting Goals

It's that time of year again. Time to plan and dream and get out your organizational supplies. Time to write on our calendars and make lists, scour the internet for exercise plans and low carb menus. I love this time of year!! Not for the influx of self-help propaganda but for the limitless possibilities and hope that a new year can represent.

I know your probably have a list of things you want to change and accomplish this year, whether you wrote them down on New Year's Eve or like me, are still trying to figure out exactly what is truly important to you, it is wonderful that you have goals. The hard part is making a plan to see them through. Someone said that a goal without a plan is just a dream, and that makes a lot of scenes to me, because how can we reach them if we don't have any idea how to get there. In the age of instant access, we are lucky in one respect. We can find almost anything we need on the internet with the click of a button.

I am still trying to find my footing of this new year. Usually I have a planner that I print out from a variety of websites, that helps me keep track of the endless lists that I am always creating for myself. This year I am behind. Usually I print out my planner before the year even begins, customizing it to my specifications and popping it in a binder. I have the pieces just not an idea of how I want them to fit together. My hesitation is mostly due to the fact that I often have the best of intentions, but little follow through with using my planner. The first couple of months are great, and then somewhere around April I just stop using it, with no real reason to explain why. But I am a firm believer in the expression, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." So this time I am putting a little more thought into it, reevaluating what I have and only printing out the items that I need, making sure to use what I have.

What are your goals for the year? I will write another post with some of goals later... but I wonder how many people write down their resolutions for the new years? Do you keep them? Do you give up or quite? Do you revisit and revise your list throughout the year? Do you plan for long term? Or maybe you have monthly goals?  Please share, I am interested to hear about your success, or why you think could didn't follow through.

I can say that I have one goal already this year. I am going to work in more blog posts. Trying for two a month, or if I feel ambitious, one a week and this time I am scheduling them in! To my fellow writers and reads, I hope you have a blessed year. And as ever, Write On!