Saturday, November 8, 2014

Christmas Movies and Midnight Snacks

     Update: NaNoWriMo in full swing.
     Tonight has been a long night. I found myself watching Christmas Movies on Hallmark and eating snacks. I felt like eating everything in sight, and sugar was high on my list. I'm not recommending this as a way to write, but it was rather pleasant (for the most part).  I must say that I didn't write as much as I usually do, and it was touch and go around the distraction of my television, but I got it done. 
     Sometimes you just need to push through. Speaking of which, I think several people in my household are coming down with something. There are coughs coming from several different directions, mine included.
     On another hand, it's Time to Celebrate!!! Half-way to the 50,000 word goal. WOOT!!!
Word Count: 25,328!!!

Happy Dance!!

Happy NaNoWriMo, Write On!

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