Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Taking out the Trash, and other Real Life Interruptions

    There are some things that you can ignore in life and some of those things at your own peril. Like taking out the trash, and taking the can to the curb. Putting it off seems a good idea, letting someone else get it is even better, but then comes that moment of utter terror at seven o-clock in the morning when you're running outside in your p.j.s to get the can out as the garbage truck stops at the house next to yours. Yes, I am that person, but I don't have to be!
     I want to be the person that plans and acts, not reacts to the things in my life. I know that I can't plan for everything, I have not clairvoyant abilities, but some stuff, like garbage day, shouldn't catch me by surprise. To bring it around to the topic of this blog here is my to-do list. These are the things I need to do before I can focus on my writing and know that I won't be pulled out of my zone.

1) Take out the trash, and that also means putting away that thing I keep tripping over, or making my bed because it makes my room look instantly neater and I won't go insane and have to start cleaning everything when I should be writing.

2) Snack like a boss. Cool beverage, check. Popular children's snacks, check. All within arm reach, double check.

3) Prime the Playlist. Now, I'm a music junky, I have no genre allegiance and my song of the week can change with my mood. Right Now here is the playlist (in no particular order). Don't judge.
          1) Back to Life - 3OH!3
          2) Breath of Life - Florence + the Machine
          3) Returner - GACKT (A Japanese Artist. I don't need to know the words to like the song.)
          4) To Feel Alive - Iameve (is there a theme going with this Live/Life stuff?)
          5) Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (Gotta have the beats. I'm loving Dubstep.)
          6) Out Alive - Ke$ha
          7) Because I'm Awesome - The Dollyrots
          8) I Alone (New Edit) - Live (Classic)
          9) Hysteria - Muse (Rock anthem)
        10) Sunglasses at Night - Corey Hart
        11) New Divide - Linkin Park
        12) Let it go - Idina Menzel (Yes, its that song from FROZEN)

4) Have my reference books, sheets, handouts, and/or webpages at the ready. That includes: encyclopedias, dictionary, thesaurus, name meanings websites (I prefer, and whatever other reference you like. I have recently discovered random generating websites that spit out everything from titles to magical objects, and character weaknesses to writing prompts. They are a kick in the pants and sometimes utter genius. Plus they can help with writer's block and are good for a laugh. Bonus!

5) Get Comfortable. This can mean pulling out the p.j.s and fluffy sock or stripping down to your whatevers or even just finding the right spot in the couch (you know the one).

Once all is in place the Writing can begin in earnest. Write On!

What do you need to write? Do you have a list of things you have to do, a ceremony or pseudo-ritual to get you in the zone? Can you start cold turkey and just bust out the word count?

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