Monday, November 17, 2014

Week Three Of NaNoWriMo

     Week Three is the start of the up hill trek to the finish. For many they have blown their word count out of the water. For others its time to get to work. The goal is to keep going. Sure we might edit out half of what we wrote during the editing period, but it's a jumping off point.
    For me it holds a look at the finish line, and a whole lot of work yet to be done. I have a list of things that I want to add in from items the characters carry around with them to several scenes to help build some side character that will foreshadow some events and reappear with force.
      So here's a high-five for those of you who are writing your hearts out. I hope that more than meeting word goals, or deadlines, that NaNoWriMo's enjoy the process, the community, and the creative cloud.

Write On!

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