Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If at first you don't succeed...

     NaNoWriMo has taken over. I thought I would have the energy to write and edit, but that is not the case. I am having more trouble writing this novel than the previous one. The Beast of the Ruin seemed to flow onto the page with little effort from me. The next book in the series, The Lost Prince, is not so forthcoming.
     I have to admit that I am not the sort who can just keep going when they meet with a bit of writer's block, though I have tried. There are several scenes, mostly dialogue, that are giving me trouble. I know what I want to happen but I can't seems to get there. More often than not I let the characters run the scene which can end up with some unexpected and wonderful things happening. It may take longer for my players to get to the next point on the map but they have always gotten there; not quite so, right now.
     Unwilling to stop writing all together, I switched gears and tried writing something else. I started brainstorming which moved into revamping my outline. I'm typing up handwritten notes, and researching a few fairy tales elements. I even started this post. I keep returning to my novel, moving forward a little and returning to those trouble areas. The scenes are slowly building, yet remain unfinished. I am confident that I will get there eventually.

     I often wonder how other writers deal with writer's block. I think my process is unusual. Not many people can switch between writing projects as I do. Then again, I don't know many writers personally, so I can't say for sure.
    NaNoWriMo has a bunch of ideas to combat writer's block, to inspire rises in word counts, and support for your writing process. The best advise I have found is to just keep writing. If we stop, if we give up, then we will never finish.

Good Luck to my fellow writers participating this year. Write On!

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