Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thankfulness: 14 Reasons for Me to Give Thanks

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are some things that I am thankful for.  I have seen a lot of lists of things that other people have made.

There are something things that always appear on these lists.
Family, Friends, Health, Faith, and I am thankful of all of that and a whole lot more. I thought fourteen things for 2014 sounded good. So here I go.

1. An income, though small I still have some.
2. Free Time. I am blessed with free time to work on my writing, crafts, art, etc.
3. Connecting. Spending time with my family and friends. Real time talking to each other, in the same room.
4. No Big Worries. Not having to worry about a lot of things because I know they are in God's hands. He's awesome!
5. Learning. I am thankful that I am still learning. There is something new everyday.
6. Humor. It makes the everyday stuff better.
7. Sleep. Long, uninterrupted sleep. You don't know how important it is until you don't have it anymore.
8. Freedom. We live in the land of the brave and the free. Too often we take that for granted. We think "well if it's free, then it can't be worth much." Or ask "Is it really free?" I know a lot of things are not so Free, (too good to be true and all that), but there is a lot you can do with freedom. Creative ideas, inspiration. Free Thought. Free Speech.
9. Recycling. Reusing what we have in better ways. Not only does it save the environment and keep stuff out of landfills, it helps us break out our creative mojo and think outside the box.
10. Motivation. Sure, it comes from a lot of different sources, in every color, shape and size, but it's important and helps us move along. It is unique for everyone and I have a blast researching things to keep me motivated.
11. Perseverance. The second wind, the last push. I am thankful that I can keep going to get the job done. (Especially when it is something that I really don't want to be doing, but it still needs to get done.)
12. Love. I have never felt unloved. My family, my friends tell me I am loved, and loveable. Share the love.
13. Patience. I am thankful that I am learning patience. It really is something that can be learned, thought often it is a struggle (for me at least).
14. Self-control. I am coming to realize just what this can mean. I am in control of my choices, my thoughts and how I see the world. I am thankful for the fact that I have self-control, and that I can step up to the plate and be accountable for my actions and learn from them. I can learn to use self-control and improve some of the more problematic areas of my life.

So there are my fourteen things to be thankful for.

To all of you, a belated, Happy Thanksgiving.

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