Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Look What I found!

    Not that it was missing, per say. I thought I'd share my sister's awesome cover for The Beast of the Ruin (aka My Dark Prince). The title change was after we had the proof printed, but it was really nice seeing it in print. Not just because every author wants to hold their book in their hands (yes, there is that), but also because a lot of things don't translate from word doc or website descriptions into book format. Sometimes you just need to see it.
     What, you might ask. Well, like seeing the number of inches your chapter title is from the top of the page. I notice that mine was too high on the page and that I needed more room between the chapter title and my first paragraph. Or the fact that my map was too small in the front of the book. Or the texture of the paper is different than i imagined and that white paper is really very white. There was also the fact that the cover was only printed on the dust jacket and not on the literal cover of the book. These things I would not have know if I hadn't got a proof first. Now I know and can prepare for the next round. I hope to be able to afford some professional help in the form of a self-publication package from thanks to my supporters, via my campaign at or look me up under my name and "Publishing My First Book" at

As for the cover art. Well, I leave that up to the professional (and very free) help of my sister, Melanie Brown.

Really? WOW!! She continually surprises me and blows my paltry skill with M.S. Paint out of the water. Thanks Sister!

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